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Only 3 days left so that I can say “I am off to Cambodia!!!”
I love backpacking, you know that I do at least one backpacking trip every year! This time I’m gonna hit Cambodia!
But you know what? I was planning completely a different route…I was going to Indonesia, visit my friend’s boutique hotel and we were gonna learn surfing together. Everything was good till I learnt that Mount Rinjani in Lombok was closed due to the wet season over there…I was like “noooooooo”…I had to change all my plans cause I do everything all at once when I visit a country, at least try to do the most I can. So I’ll be visiting Bali another time…
As I was too focused on Bali, after cancelling my trip, I somehow lost my motivation and I was so indecisive whether to go somewhere else or not. I was this close spending my holiday in empty Shangai during the Spring Festival but my angels in Shanghai who are Jessica and Finy, encouraged me to keep my travelling spirit alive…thanks to Finy I got a very good flight deal. So yep, I have my roundtrip flight ticket. Next I’ll be booking my hostel.
So, I started to read more and more about Cambodia..I saw that Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in Asia and all the pictures and articles I read was triggered something within me….When I first decided to have an expat life, I promised to myself saying that this wasn’t a gap year, I was going away to make a difference. I found While Travelling Blog to add value to your life and create awareness so I said wait! There was something missing. Going to different places, sharing my experiences, taking pictures and posting it…There was really someting missing…I was still not excited…
Here we go! I got the flame back!
Isn’t it great to be able to have the opportunity to visit another country and touch people’s lives to lift them up?
While Travelling Blog is coming to Cambodia! Stay tunned, follow and share the adventure to increase the awereness for Cambodia!