The best Pho in Ho Chi Minh

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You are in Vietnam! First, you’re gonna love it, enjoy every bit of your journey:) Second, you cannot leave without trying Pho, the national soup of the country with beef or chicken! Vietnam food is generally amazing but Pho especially with all the fresh greens and spices is simply delicious! I tried more than 10 restaruants for Pho in Ho Chi Minh and this place I am about to share is the best among others. Here is the best Pho in Ho Chi Minh:



Johnny from Town House 50 Hostel took me to Pho Hoa Pasteur and it exceed all my experiences about Pho. This place is run by generations of the same family.

They have a secret recepie and you’ll absolutely taste the difference especially you’ve been eating pho all day long in different places. Pho Hoa Pasteur is located on 260C Pasteur Street in District 1.

Here is the menu, so many different Phos but I liked especially the chicken Pho. The prices are also reasonable.


Thi is the front kitchen, look at how many plates they have:)

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As you can imagine and also see below, they are full most of the time!



It should be hot or at least warm. You can choose beef or chicken or other kinds as well. They will bring green lemons, fresh greens, onions and local sauces and also a plate of deep fried bread called qouy which is a Chinese type of bread. You can order rolls as well but for me this is already a lot:)

In January Ho Chi Minh is quite hot so ice tea would be a great combination to your hot dish. I was sick for all most the entire trip, coughing all the time and this remind me of some Turkish soup that you drink more when you are sick. Seriously, Pho saved me during a month I was in Vietnam. I felt healthier as I was eating fresh greens as well as meet/chicken.  the-best-pho-soup-in-ho-chi-minh-while-travelling10

I am so glad that Johnny took me to this place before we head to his hometown. This was the highlight of my Pho adventure in Ho Chi Minh.


I am planning to visit Vietnam again but I’ll come back to visit Johnny and eat the best Pho in Ho Chi Minh for sure!

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