1 day left to my Cambodia adventure

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1 day left to my Cambodia adventure

I am super excited as you can imagine! The last 24 hours and last controls are done…

I had asked all my friends and collegues in Shanghai to give me just ONE PRESENT that can fit in my backpack for the kids in Cambodia and attach a personal note to it. Most of them were pretty excited. The project got so big that even one of my friends who is a children books writer told me that he wanted to give 500 books. I was like OMG! Friends of my friends were reaching me and askign tones of questions and sending their gifts to me. As the project was getting bigger and bigger, I sent an email to airlines company that I am going to fly with to help me with the luggages, but of course in China it is hard. I couldn’t hear from them but that’s fine. I managed to get all the presents from my friends for the kids in Cambodia as of today…

Here are some of my friends who contributed in my

“Backpacking For A Good Cause” Project

My collegues(1 to 4 pictures left to right), my lovely student Sharon (in the middle-in the second row), the owner of the notebook store that I buy hand-made notebooks(the last picture in the second row).


Some of my friends who could fit in the frame brought their lovely presents for the kids…


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My lovely friends Michelle and Huan giving me the presents for the kids:


And Edan giving me a lovely skateboard for the kids. The kids will be crazy about it. I need to get one for myself too, it will be easier in Shanghai streets as well…


It is amazing to be friends with these beautiful hearts!

Can’t wait for tomorrow:)

I would like to ask you to follow and join my journey as well as share my adventure with your friends so that we can together increase the awareness about Cambodia which is one of the poorest countries in SouthEast Asia.

Thank you very much for your support!

See you tomorrow!

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